811 Before You Dig

Imagine you’re eager to begin a project in your backyard. You might be thinking about adding a fence or planting a new tree. However, without proper caution, you risk hitting a water pipe underground. This could lead to expensive repairs.

That’s where the free 811 service can help. It makes sure all underground utility lines are marked before you dig. This simple action can save you from a lot of trouble and money.

Let’s discuss why reaching out to 811 is so important. It can prevent hitting a water pipe, saving you from big headaches and bills.

Why Call 811?

Calling 811 is key before any digging starts. This service helps utility companies mark where you plan to dig. They can then spot any hidden utility lines. This stops you from causing a water pipe leak. Calling 811 saves you from high repair bills. It keeps you, your family, and neighbors safe.

Knowing where underground utility lines are, is a must. Water pipes, gas, electricity, and more can be down there. Hit these lines by mistake, and you could face big trouble. This includes losing services, safety risks, and costly fixes.

811 will send someone to mark your digging zone. They use different colors to show what’s below. These colors are used nationwide:

  • Red: Electric power lines
  • Yellow: Gas, oil, or petroleum pipelines
  • Blue: Water lines
  • Orange: Communication and TV cables
  • Green: Sewer and drain lines
  • Purple: Reclaimed water lines

By knowing the role of 811 and honoring the marks, you can dig safely. It helps avoid a water pipe break and keeps your project secure. Always put safety first when digging. Calling 811 is a smart move to make sure of that.

Process of Calling 811

Calling 811 is the first step and quite easy to do. You can do this by dialing the number or by making a request online. It’s best to do this a couple of business days before you dig.

If you call 811, a helpful person will guide you through the request. They will get all the info needed accurately. Or, you can go online and use the special portal for this.

After sending in your request, be patient. You’ll have to wait for the area to get marked, which could take two days. So, remember to plan your project to not start digging right away.

Avoid any digging until the area is marked. This helps make sure the utility lines are found and marked correctly. It also helps prevent accidents and damages.

Once the area’s marked, it’s very important to keep those markings visible and safe. They show where important utility lines are. By doing this, you’ll avoid causing any problems or accidents.

Following these steps makes your digging job safer and smoother. It keeps you safe and helps protect the underground lines.

  1. Dial 811 or make an online request at least two business days before your digging project.
  2. Wait for the utility companies to mark the work area, which may take up to two business days.
  3. Respect and preserve the markings throughout the duration of your project.

Why calling 811 is it important?

Calling 811 means the work area gets marked by the utility companies. These marks show where the underground lines are. This makes sure the excavators don’t cause accidental damage. It keeps utility services running smoothly and the community safe.

Digging with Care

It’s key to dig carefully and avoid hitting the lines underground. Being careful can stop water pipes from breaking. It also keeps other utilities working right.

Always dig while keeping the markings you’ve been given in mind. These marks show where important things like water pipes, gas lines, and cables lie. They help you steer clear and prevent problems.

When you’re digging, be mindful. This protects the lines and stops accidents. Bad digging can make utilities stop working or create dangers.

Use the right tools and techniques when digging. Hand tools are the best choice. They let you dig with care and lessen the risk of hitting lines.

Also, stay away from utility equipment and don’t push too hard on the ground. Always be alert and don’t dig if you think there might be lines there, even if they’re not marked.

Always remember, it’s easier to prevent damage than to fix it. Dig smart to avoid big costs and keep your community safe.

The Consequences of Not Calling 811

Not calling 811 before digging is a big deal. It’s not just about losing utility services. It’s also about risking your safety and that of your loved ones and neighbors. Digging without making the call can lead to damaging important underground lines.

Damage to utility lines can cause outages. This leaves you without vital services like water or electricity. It disrupts your life and can be very uncomfortable. Fixing these lines is expensive and can strain your budget.

The impacts of skipping the 811 call are more than just money. It can be very dangerous. If you hit a gas line, it might cause a leak leading to an explosion. This not only endangers lives but also homes in the area.

Your neighbors can suffer too. A water line break because of your digging could flood their places. Their homes and belongings could get damaged. It also stops them from using clean water, adding to their troubles.

Ignoring the 811 rule is risky for everyone. You could get hurt and face big bills. You’re also risking the safety and happiness of those living near you.

What to Expect

After calling 811 and getting the work area marked, know what comes next. Understand the utility color code for the types and markings of lines. If you find any damage while digging, stop and call 811 right away.

After the call, expect the utility companies to arrive soon. They will send people to mark the location of underground lines. They use colored markers to show what kind of line is there.

The color code is simple to remember:

  • Red: Electric power lines
  • Yellow: Gas, oil, or petroleum pipelines
  • Orange: Communication lines, like internet or phone
  • Blue: Water pipes and irrigation systems
  • Purple: Reclaimed water or irrigation
  • Green: Sewer and drain lines
  • Pink: Temporary survey marks

Knowing this color code helps you avoid hitting utility lines when digging.

But, accidents can still happen. If you damage any lines while digging, stop and call 811 immediately. This quick notification allows the utility companies to check and fix any damage.

Reporting Damage

If you see any damage while digging, tell 811 right away. This damage can include scratches, dents, or even breaks in the utility lines. When you report it fast, you help keep the underground utilities safe and working well.

Finding exposed wires or pipes leaking is serious. Tell 811 about these damages immediately. They will make sure the right people know and can come to fix it. Quick reporting stops more accidents and helps keep services going smoothly.

When you report damage, give your name, where you are, and what you see. This helps the experts quickly come and check the issue.

Report damage fast to protect everyone. Your quick help keeps services reliable and safe. It’s an important part of keeping the community running smoothly.

Steps to Report Damaged Utility Lines:

  1. Contact 811 right away if you notice damage.
  2. Tell them your name, where you are, and what you see.
  3. Work with the utility companies and do what they say.
  4. Give them time to check and fix the damage.
  5. Stay away from the area until it’s safe.
  6. Listen to any safety advice from the utility companies or emergency teams.


Before you start digging, calling 811 is a big deal. It’s a legal rule and a key way to prevent breaking water pipes or other lines underground. By doing this, you keep yourself, your place, and your neighbors safe.

Don’t wait for a problem to show up, be ahead by calling 811. This process helps experts mark the area and tell you about hidden utility lines. With this info, you can dig without fear of causing a big mess.

Everyone should do their part, whether you own your place or are a professional digger. Making that one call or request online is easy. It helps you dodge a lot of trouble later. So, always dial 811 before you dig. It keeps your area safe from water pipe troubles and saves your city’s underground system.